Sunday, September 18, 2011

Race critics or zombies?

  I know the tragedy at Reno was really bad and my prayers and thoughts go out to the families and friends. A terrible event took place, however we live in an imperfect world and bad things do happen. Not everything can be fixed by mandating laws to stop disasters. I'm sure, like I think, most of us wish we could control bad things from even happening.

"The disaster prompted renewed calls for race organizers to consider ending the event because of the dangers."

Read more:

Stopping the races as has been suggested, is not an answer or an option. Every time you see a plane flying, you have to realize that is the product of technology, hard work and determination, not to mention wood, dirt, and rocks mostly. So to those that want to stop the races in Reno, please go AWAY, to another planet. Better yet, let's live underground so the sun won't burn our skin..... doh!

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